
Pop Toys 1/6 Western Style Men's Striped Suit Set X28A, B and C / 男士條紋西服套裝 X28A,B and C

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Product Code: PT-X28

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3 Color Available / 3種顏色可選 :
POP-x28-A  Black  striped /  黑色 條紋
POP-x28-B  Blue  striped/  藍色條紋
POP-x28-C  Dark grey striped/  深灰色條紋
Part list / 零件清單: 
Western-style Suit/ 西服*1
Waistcoat / 背心 *1
Tie / 領帶 *1
Shirt / 襯衫 *1
Suit pants / 西裝褲 *1 
Leather belt / 皮帶 *1
Leather shoes / 皮鞋 *1 
*Suit only; the stand would not be included. 
套裝, 支架不包括在內。
Market Rate / 市場價格: around 約 HKD$280 - $300, USD49.9 with shipping

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